Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fall Leaves!!

Did you know that all those leaves going into your garbage could actually be turned into gold?! Black gold, that is. Dry leaves are a perfect addition to your vermicomposting system. The worms love them and you get to recycle amazing nutrients into your garden next spring. That's what I'm doing (as you can see in my most recent pictures). I also really really love dead leaves because they are the easiest bedding around (no ripping cardboard or shredding newspaper, at least not as much!). So if you're ready to start recycling those leaves (and want to make all your neighbors jealous of your garden next year, and have the best organic, nutrient-rich fertilizer on the planet for free, then check out my website and see if you're ready to get a vermicomposting starter kit! Happy recycling!

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